Pros and cons of surebets
Everyone who bets on sports would like to win regularly and earn a stable income. But few betters manage to do this According to statistics, the vast majority of bettors are in the red, but in the best case, they are trampling around zero, that is, they remain at their own. It is clear that this situation does not suit anyone.. So people are looking for different ways to beat the bookmaker, come up with different strategies, try to overcome the margin, create complex programs for analysis. Far unsuccessfully.
There is only one strategy that can be called win – surebets (arbitrage situations). The point is that you place two bets on two directly opposite outcomes of the same match. But in such a way as to remain in the black in any scenario. Regardless of the final result of the event. Surebetters have been successfully earning money on arbs for a long time, providing themselves with a good profit. And here a natural question arises: why are all the betters not engaged in arbitration situations?
The fact is that surebets only look simple in practice, in fact it is a business, and quite complex. You need to work hard, sit for hours in front of the computer, calculate a lot of bets. In short, there is a lot to do. And that scares you off. Many people find it easier to issue a regular coupon and not bother. Others are deterred by the obvious disadvantages of arbitration situations, although they are easily offset by the obvious advantages. Today we will talk about all the pros and cons of arbs, learn how to smooth out the negative points and increase the advantages.
Advantages of arbs
Before we start, we will immediately indicate that the article is intended for bettors who already have experience in betting and understand what surebets are. We will not talk about ways to find arbitrage situations, about scanners and other basic elements. It is assumed that you already know this and are well-versed in everything. This material is not suitable for beginners.
Risk-free bets
Why are most tbettors in the red? You can never predict the outcome of a match with 100% certainty. Often outsiders win, there are sensations, teams do not play as expected, refereeing errors, bad weather, and so on. There are a million reasons. Even the most confident forecast can lose. Plus, bookmakers put a margin in each coefficient, which reduces the chances by a few more points.
There is no such thing in arbs betting. There is a 98% chance that you will win. And this is not an exaggeration, but a proven fact. That is, you almost always get a win, regardless of the outcome of the match. And this is the main advantage of arbs. The secret is simple: all possible variants of the final result are covered. Obviously, we will lose one" shoulder", but we will win another, and the size of the gain will cover the loss. Close to the ideal scheme, agree.
What about the 2%? So the risk is still there? Yes, it remains. In this world, there is nothing with a 100% indicator, and surebets are no exception. But we will tell you more about these 2% in the Chapter about cons, give advice on how to reduce the risk, how to increase traffic. For now, let's just say that there will always be a 2% chance of losing. Just know.
There is no need to be an expert in betting
Bettors who earn money have a deep knowledge of sports. They can be called experts. They watch hundreds of matches, know each team, its strengths. They also track statistics and are able to calculate the correct probability of an outcome. In general, professionals. Thanks to their knowledge, they can easily find inflated odds and get a plus at a distance.
But to become a professional, you need to learn a lot, including from your mistakes. Lose more than one hundred euro, fill the cones. Only then will the profit go. Are you ready for this? Many simply do not have enough time for training, and there is no desire to dive deep into sports time. In addition, the pros usually cover 1-2 sports, for more simply do not have enough strength and resources of the brain. This reduces the number of available bets in the line, which will inevitably affect the final profit.
Fortunately, you don't need to be an expert in surebets. It is enough to understand the principle of operation of a bookmaker and have a General idea of sports events. Much more important is the ability to count, run a Bank, and issue coupons on time. The rest is secondary. To make good money on arbitrage situations, it is enough knowledge at the level of an ordinary fan. You can cover not 1-2 sports, but as many as you want. You don't even need to know the detailed rules of the disciplines.
At the same time, understanding what you are betting on is a very valuable skill. It will help you avoid unpleasant situations with the return of bets due to errors of the bookmaker. For example, you are well versed in Spanish football, and saw that one of the surebets coefficients is clearly set incorrectly.The bookmaker made a mistake, this happens. We do not take such bids, since it is highly likely that the bookie will calculate the coupon with a 1.0 coefficient.
Learning arbs without problems
To become a good programmer, you need to learn. To become a chef, you need to learn. And even to become a professional in the field of value bets, you need to learn. Most often, you will need a mentor to point out mistakes and share rare and valuable knowledge. This takes time, effort and money. And I want to start earning quickly, without extra investment in training.
And it is in the surebets is quite real. The network has a lot of materials for training bets on arbitrage situations. We recommend using the training articles on our site. You are right now in the right section - articles. In them, you will find a lot of useful things and learn how to put on surebets from scratch. There are materials for both beginners and professionals. And all for free.
How long does training take? It depends on your intelligence and desire. Usually it takes a couple of hours to get to the bottom of it and make the first bet. Provided that you are not the first day in betting, and understand the General principle of it. Then it is already on the roll: you work and earn money, in parallel you accumulate experience, learn, and get more valuable knowledge.
You can study without problems at any age, without time restrictions. There are many nuances, of course, but they are not so diverse and incomprehensible. Usually everything is learned quickly. In any other business, you can make discoveries all your life and never fully understand them. Arbs are easier.
We do not recommend buying training courses that are fully available online. Enterprising guys promise to teach you how to earn mountains of gold, promise millions of winnings in a month. They offer unique schemes and knowledge. Not believe. The Internet has long been laid out all the nuances of surebets, it will not be difficult to find them. Don't waste your money.
Automated betting on surebets
It used to be that surebettors had to do everything by themselves. Today, progress has also affected arbitrage rates, and most processes have been greatly simplified thanks to automation. You no longer need to manually change the characteristics of your computer. this is done by the built - in tools in the scanners, or you can download separate programs. There are a lot of auxiliary applications that make the life of a surebetter easier. Use them for your health. Yes, you will have to pay, but spending will be easily repelled.
There are professional surebet scanners on the market that are ready to take over almost all the workr:
- They search arbs themselves.
- They themselves go to the site of bookmakers.
- They place bets for betters.
You just need to count the profit. And be happy. The only task before starting an activity is to set up all the parameters: bookmakers, their websites, betting amounts, sports, and so on. Plus, from time to time, change bookies, specify the data of new accounts. Everything else is automated. Cool, isn't it?
This advanced functionality is not found in all scanners, but only in a couple of them. Their cost is quite high compared to conventional services, but the comfort and convenience of working increase many times. Be sure to use it if your budget allows. We promise you will like it.
There are always a lot of surebets
Let's say you are an expert on European football and have a good forecast. Bets are regularly placed, and the distance is a good plus. But there are obvious drawbacks. First, the Championships go on a break for 3 months, and there are other holidays. At this time, you will have to refrain from betting, or look for other disciplines. And this is an additional risk to go into the negative. Secondly, football matches are held once a week. There are, of course, parallel tournaments, but it is not so easy to predict them. Third, the presence of matches does not mean that you will find a suitable option for betting. Fifth, you need to have a large Bank for this game, preferably at least 1000 euro, otherwise the profit will not be felt.
Go to the arbs. We open the scanner and see that it offers us thousands of suitable options. And this number almost never changes. Day or night. That is, you will never have a shortage of bets. Even if you set filters for bookmakers and sports. No events for the specified parameters? Removing some filters and enjoying the output.
You will be able to work with surebets at any time convenient for you, since there are plenty of them. Remember the events of 2020, when the entire sport was put on pause for several months due to quarantine. Even then, the arbs were working. Yes, there are fewer events and earnings have decreased, but not catastrophically. At the same time, other bettors were forced to wait for the resumption of the big sport. Draw your own conclusions.
Will arbs ever run out?
Now and then on different sites you can read the opinion that the arbs are supposedly dead. They say that it has become impossible to work with them, bookmakers have become wiser, the profit does not meet expectations. This is partly true. Yes, bookmaker has improved and continues to improve the mechanisms of protection against surebets. But they are still far from perfect. Otherwise, arbitration situations would have long since sunk into Oblivion. And they are thriving.
As long as there are bookmakers and competition between them, there will be arbs. Bookmakers can't copy each other's coefficients, otherwise they will become similar and lose customers. In addition, the possibility of detecting arbs is often exaggerated. If the bookmakers calculated them in a couple of minutes, the arbitration would disappear. So work, don't be afraid.
Disadvantages of arbs
Now let's talk about the obvious disadvantages of arbs. But most importantly, we will tell you how to reduce them and reduce them, if not to zero, then to a value close to it.
Need a large betting banckroll
To become a surebetter, it will not be enough to Deposit 10 euro, you will need much more. Since you need to create an account in at least 5 bookmakers, otherwise there will be few arbs. And you need to make a Deposit of at least 100 euro to each one. The logic here is simple: to get a tangible profit, you need to bet large amounts. It makes no sense to bet 5 euro, given that the profit from it will be 1-2 euro. You can't even pay for a scanner. For deposits in different bookies, you will need at least 250 euro, or better yet, 500 euro. You can read more about the size of the recommended Bank in this article on our website.
The second item of expenses is payment for scanner services. Without them, it is impossible to fully find surebets. The price for the cheapest option is at least a 3-4 euro per week of use. We do not even consider free services, they are also of no use. scanner Services will have to be paid regularly, and the amount will eventually turn out to be quite large. If you don't get enough income, you won't have anything to pay with.
The third point of expenses is the purchase of new accounts, so-called drops. Sooner or later, the surebets account is blocked. Fact. We will talk about this in more detail. In the meantime, remember: you will also need money to purchase "clean" accounts. Prices here are different, they are put up by sellers. But usually only scammers sell cheap.
You can start betting with smaller amounts, because there are special cheap scanners. Coupled with increased caution, you can really go to the plus side. But is it worth it? Time spent, nerves and effort. In General, if you want a good income, be prepared for significant financial investments.
Bookmakers ' sanctions
Fact: sooner or later your account in the bookmaker will be severely limited in functionality, or even blocked. In all bookies. Somewhere later, somewhere earlier. The only exceptions are some bookmakers who are loyal to arbs. We would like to encourage you to say that if you work with caution, nothing will happen. But, alas, this is not the case. We don't want to cheat. So prepare for the fact that the accounts will come under the scrutiny of the security service of bookmakers, and then there will be sanctions.
The most common option is to reduce the maximum possible bet amounts for all matches and outcomes. That is, you will not be formally banned from betting, but what is the point of betting 1 euro? Draw your own conclusions. The bettor is forced to leave the bookmaker.
Can this be avoided? No. No one has ever managed to hold out for long. We can only delay sanctions by adhering to basic security rules. We will not discuss them in detail, this is the subject of a separate article. Note only that you need to put round amounts, do not take secondary events, and so on. Simply put, we imitate the behavior of an ordinary bettor.
We don't want to frighten you, just warn you that bookmakers ' sanctions are an integral part of surebetting. We can only accept it. With experience, such a problem will fade into the background and will be perceived calmly. The main thing is practice and development.
There is a risk of blocking account
And it always is. You can follow all the safety rules, be careful, but still the risk remains. This is the most undesirable development, because money can no longer be withdrawn from the account. What does blocking mean? This means that access to your personal account is restricted. You can communicate with the support service, but no more.
Account blocking for arbs can occur in any bookie. Let's look at some common scenarios and give tips on how to reduce risks.
- Blocking without explanation. Once you are blocked for no apparent reason. Moreover, the explanation of the support service is unclear. Like, the account was hacked, we protect you. Or it should be stated that the account is suspected of money laundering. And so on. There could be a million reasons. Of course, all of them are far-fetched, bookmaker just does not want to deal with a surebet. This scenario is most often observed in little-known and small bookies, larger usually do not allow themselves to do this (reputation is more expensive for them). Therefore, use the services of only reliable bookmakers.
- Could not pass the verification. Identification is available in all bookmakers. If you can't complete it, your account will be blocked. For example, you failed to provide a copy of your passport or other requested document. In this case, the bookie will be 100% correct, since the laws of any country require verification. How to avoid trouble? Take care of the full package of necessary documents in advance, and learn the rules of identification in the chosen bookmaker. And before you start making bets. Be fully prepared.
- You entered incorrect personal data. For example, you specified the year of birth 19.02.1999, and the passport is 19.03.1999. And other banal mistakes. A trifle, but it is for them that you can get a full account lock. Further, it will be problematic to verify, and if you are also recognized as a surebetter, it is almost impossible. This usually happens because of unscrupulous sellers of documents. The Council: carefully check and double-check the information that you provided during registration in the bookmaker. And if this was done by drop, demand to show copies of the originals. This way you will reduce the risk of running into offensive blocking.
- Grossly violated the rules. For eaxmple, using prohibited programs to automate bids, adding funds to your account with other payment systems (not in your name), and so on. What can I recommend? Read the bookies rules very carefully and don't be rude to technical support staff. Always behave correctly and follow the rules.
Account blocking is always a big nuisance. Try not to allow this. We have given you tips on how to reduce risks. If you do lose your account, it is easier to cancel it, even with financial losses, than to return it again. Further gains offset losses.
You need to search new accounts all the time
As already mentioned, sooner or later, the account of the surebetter is subject to various sanctions, up to complete blocking. In this case, you have to look for new accounts, so as not to stop the activity. It seems that there are no problems. After all, social networks, forums, and websites are teeming with offers to buy ready-made accounts, including verified ones. It is possible to purchase just a set of documents.
At the same time, there are a huge number of scammers in this area. You may be sold false information that cannot be verified, or an account that is already blocked. Before buying drops, you need to carefully check them and recheck them 5 times. Carefully study the docks, otherwise you will lose money. Transfer funds to the seller only after a thorough audit, and preferably after successful registration.
At the same time, no one is insured against the risk of purchasing low-quality documents. Even pros fall victim to scams from time to time. Some cite statistics that about 20% of drops will always be unprofitable. And this can only be accepted. You must also be mentally prepared to be deceived. The main thing is to realize that this is an integral part of the workflow, and you will not be able to avoid it under any circumstances.
Bets sometimes lose
Remember, we pointed out that 98% of bets on surebets are winning. It's time to tell us about the other 2%. Yes, in some situations with arbitration situations, you can go negative:
- The bookmaker can calculate any bet with a coefficient of 1.0. And without explaining the reasons to customers. It is easy to guess that the bettor is at a loss. This is one of the bookmakers ' favorite tricks to avoid paying out too big winnings. It is often used in small business centers, in reliable ones much less often, and only for serious reasons. Tip: accept it.
- You can simply make a mistake with the setting of one "arm". For example, instead of Total Over 2,5 poked at Total Over3, 5. Such an oversight can happen to anyone. Well, if the opposite outcome is winned, you will not lose anything. In other cases, there is a loss. Usually mistakes are the result of too much work and fatigue. Don't forget to rest. Be careful when filling out coupons, check everything and double-check. Plus take your time, rushing is never conducive to a good game.
- The arb just disappeared. All bookmakers have a waiting time for accepting bets after the bettor confirms it. This is usually 5 seconds. Sometimes it can take up to 1 minute. During this time, the coefficient can jump to one side and the surebet disappears. If you didn't react in time, issue unprofitable coupons. This is especially true when you have set up a quick acceptance of bets with any coefficient. Sometimes it is useful, but sometimes it can play a trick on you. Tip: use automated bidding services in advanced scanners. Or at least a powerful calculator that monitors your bids, and in the event of a change in the coefficient will promptly notify you about it.
- You didn't consider the rules for calculating bids. One of bookie can take a bet on a specific sport and the outcomes by the same rules, the other quite different. It seems that there is a arb, but due to the difference in interpretation, the bettorr is at a loss. That is why it is important to study the rules for accepting bets in each bookmaker. The most advanced scanners themselves warn about them, for this reason it is more profitable to use their services.
In any case, be prepared that 2% of bets on statistics lose. However, this is a very low indicator. The disadvantage is easily offset by the large revenues that the surebets will bring. Just be careful that 2% does not increase several times.
Consider the fee
Most newcomers to surebets make the same mistake – they do not take into account all sorts of commissions when calculating potential profits. As a result, they go into negative territory. When adding funds to your account in the bookmaker, when withdrawing money from them, you may be charged a considerable Commission.
There are usually two types of Commission:
- the payment system itself;
- bookmaker.
The figures range from 0.5% to 20% or more. It all depends on the payment system, the account currency, and the selected bookie.
There is no point in giving real examples, because there are different conditions everywhere. It is important to read them carefully, make calculations, calculate profits and expenses. As a result, you should stay in the black, otherwise the meaning of arbs is lost. As a rule, before each transaction in any payment system, the Commission amount is displayed, be sure to look at it. Learn the rules of bookmakers, sometimes they like to write in small print that they take a percentage of each withdrawal of money.
In General, be financially literate, do not let emotions and excitement get the better of your mind. Actively use special calculators that allow you to calculate profits and expenses in all bookmakers. Including taking into account their rules.
Our article has come to an end. We tried to highlight all the important pros and cons of surebets in sports betting. In conclusion, we note that the advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages. And the latter can be reduced as much as possible, if you follow the advice given by us. We wish you great earnings!
We are sure that the article "10 tips for surebettors from professionals" will also be useful to You.