
ValueBetting - a new product from RebelBetting


A new product with an ambitious name (it's all the same what to call your service "Bookmakers surebet" or an automobile brand to give the name "Car") ValueBetting promises customers 14% of reliable monthly income. As it is easy to understand from the name, the product will work exclusively with value bets and, if the quality of its work is no worse than the original RebelBetting scanner, then, in principle, we can say that the new product definitely deserves the attention of professional players!

The launch of the new product was announced in advance, so the players working with RebelBetting had time to prepare for the transition to a new service (or to expand their gaming activity from just forks to odds). But, fortunately, the rest of the players are not forgotten. Service at the time of launch gives a decent discount, which is quite advisable to use right now. From 10 years of experience, we can assume that the service is not scattered with such discounts.

Now, with discount, 1-month subscription costs 29 €.


How to subscribe to ValueBetting?

It is not difficult.

The authors of the service did not allocate it to a separate brand with a new domain, tariff scale, and so on. They just added a new rate to the main site. Find it easily:

How to subscribe

Buy or not? As it often happens, the question is ambiguous. What can be exactly asserted: a service with a long history, works quickly and efficiently, is quite convenient. At the same time, with the existence of such scanners as BetBurger, BreakingBet, PositiveBet, it is not always advisable to overpay for a subscription, even with a discount. Although, the question ultimately personal preferences.