Surebet scanner overview TheForks

Tariff "Demo"
- All sports
- Live surebets up to 1%
- No freeze count
- Does not open coupons
paid tariffs give access to:
- All sports
- Live surebets without limitation
- Full functionality
and differ only in the possibility of suspension (freezing)
- "Day" $9.5
- "Week" $28
- "Month" $95
Plugin to work with live arbs
What is TheForks? This is a program for automatic (and looking ahead, the most convenient and fast) placing bets on all shoulders of the arb, even if the life of this betting surebet is only a few tens of seconds.
An important factor in the evaluation of this service is that it works on the basis of the PositiveBet surebet scanner. We even have an assumption, not yet confirmed, that the project TheForks is an extension of the PositiveBet service. However, this does not detract from its advantages, as the PositiveBet is one of the best scanners that work with live arbs.
Features of TheForks
All the features that the service offers can be divided into two main groups: the functions that are inherent in all arbs scanners and functions that distinguish the scanner from the rest.
Former group:
- Advanced filtering of results.
- A lot of supported bookmakers to scan.
- The calculation of the amounts of rates for each of the arms of the surebet.
- The system auto-update of the coefficients.
- Search for all combinations of coefficients.
- Automatic recalculation of bet amounts for each of the surebet arm.
With this group of functions everything is clear. The service could not be called a full-fledged scanner, if it does not provide at least these opportunities for professional players. Another thing-the second group of service features TheForks, which certainly make this service one of the leading on the market today. These functions are:
- The presence of a built-in web browser to work simultaneously on all the shoulders of the surebet
At this point I want to touch on the main "trick" the surebet scannerTheForks. Any high-quality live arbs scanner has sufficient hardware resources to quickly process information about the surebets in real time. That is, information about the surebets in the table of issuance appears in all quickly, within 5-15 seconds on average. But here is about how to create a really comfortable and ergonomic interface for, we can say, instant processing of each of the shoulders of the surebet, it is at the level of the player, the first, it turns out seriously thought the creators of TheForks. And the browser and all the features listed below – all this is aimed at accelerating the work of the player. And a little more on safety. About it also slightly below.
- The system of automatic entry to the personal account of the bookmaker. It allows you to work simultaneously with more than two BM, thereby significantly expanding the grid of bookmakers.
- The calculation of the amounts of bets and providing them with a coupon.
- Full refill these coupons with the re-calculation of the amounts of bets. Such an important and necessary function, saving an average of one-half of the total time required for entering the arb.
- Filling and placing two coupons with one button. This is another feature of TheForks is to increase the speed of the arb.
Lot attention is paid to the safety to work with surebets. Now, when bookmakers are more and more carefully working with the identification of professional players, limit their max bets and even sometimes block accounts, this aspect is becoming increasingly important.
- The mode of anonymous operation of the scanner does not allow the bookmaker to find out that the bet is made on the arbitration situation. The service does not disclose the mechanisms used in this mode, however, based on our experience with the program TheForks, anonymity is really achieved.
- Ability to use your own proxy servers to increase the anonymity of bets.
- Flexible work with Proxy, in particular, for each bookmaker it is possible to specify an individual server.
- Substitution of information about the computer from which the work takes place. There is no need to work with "clean" laptops and their periodic replacement.
There is no denying that the service functionality is really significant. It is aimed, as mentioned above, to increase the speed and safety in the surebet installation.
Sports and bookmakers
Just imagine how much data a surebet scanner needs to process every second to give the player at least an acceptable result. Tens of thousands of odds every second. Remembering the course of combinatorics, it is easy to calculate how many variants of combinations of these coefficients need to be calculated at each time. Millions.
That is why some services limit the number of scanned bookmakers and reduce the choice of sports for analysis. After all, a few BM and only one football is enough to get every minute with a dozen good live arbs.
Some, even the best services for search and work with arbitration situations, because of the high load on the servers do not go the way to increase the variability in the search for surebets. TheForks in this sense takes a high bar, scanning 8 sports and 36 bookmakers.
Worthy result. These bookmakers are:
- 1xbet
- baltbet
- bet365
- betcity
- betfair
- betfair sport
- betrally
- bwin
- favbet
- fonbet
- leon
- ligastavok
- marafon
- melbet
- olimp
- paddypower
- parimatch
- pinnacle
- sbobet
- sportingbet
- tennisi
- vbet
- williamhill
- winlinebet
- zenit
Sports allow you to gain a wide variety of markets for betting:
- Badminton
- Basketball
- Volleyball
- Table tennis
- Tennis
- Football
- Futsal
- Hockey
Working TheForks
Instructions for working with the program is described in detail in the relevant section on the service website. In order not to repeat all the actions in detail for the authors of the program, we list the main stages for the start of the program. Skip the installation step, as it is standard for any application.
- You need to start working with registration and subscription purchase. And subscription sold on the website of the service PositiveBet, not TheForks. You must select the option "Subscription+" in the tariffs section.
- As an option, but it is highly desirable, it is recommended to configure the DNS.
- Running the program and log in to your account, nothing complicated: run the program, enter the username/password. You can start work.
- Working with a browser written on the basis of the engine Chromium (it is written such browsers as Chrome, Yandex), working with it is similar to the usual surf on the network, except that the goal is not to climb on the sites, and work with surebets.
- The next important point is the anonymity setting. TheForks supports three types: built-in VPN, work with Frigate's SOCKS5 (third-party service), work through your http/socks proxy. All these strange terms to someone should not be afraid. All configuration steps are very detailed, with screenshots described on the instructions page and, most importantly, to make the anonymity settings will be enough only once, which takes an average of 5-10 minutes and for a long time (forever) provides a sufficient level of security.
In addition to external security settings, the internal system of the browser will not allow you to make a mistake. As stated: "if suddenly the proxy stopped working, the browser will not load the page and will not give your real IP»
All the points further-it is already directly working with the program, using its capabilities to find arbs and work with them. These are the four main sections:
- All basic settings. Settings of the program, settings of bookmakers, setting surebets and bets.
- Authorization on the websites of bookmakers. As it is written above, the program allows you to do one-click authorization on the sites of several BK. This is an incredibly handy feature, but it requires pre-configuration. Entering data to enter the personal account of all bookmakers is configured in this section.
- A separate element is the surebets calculator from TheForks. The functionality is very similar to the calculator PositiveBet. However, all plug calculators are similar to each other.
- Live arbs in a compartment with a" smart " calculator. This is the main working element of the interface, from here and in it the search and calculation of surebets.
We must pay tribute to the creators of the service and the program, they took care of the convenience of users. It is enough to put 2-3 arbs to fully master the interface and start normal operation.
This section contains an important warning from the developers, which sounds like this: "Be sure to check all the data in the coupons before placing a bet! The program is in the "beta" stage and there may be errors. Also possible errors from the CD. The developers of the program are not responsible for your carelessness!»
It is difficult for us to judge the degree of readiness and non-exclusiveness of the product, especially in complex modes: quick change of coefficients, event cancellation, errors in the lines. Based on our own experience, we can say that the scanner works without fail. And, quite possibly, this warning is only the result of the forgetfulness of the Manager working with the service site and did not remove this warning in time.
System requirements for TheForks
Any modern computer can easily cope with the load of the program. The main thing is the system under which TheForks works, it is Windows 7 SP2 or higher. And the requirements indicated on the official website of the scanner seem rather excessive:
- Windows 7 SP2
- 2-core processor from 2.5 Hz
- At least 2 GB of memory (RAM)
- 300 MB on HDD (we will add that SSD-disk is desirable)
- .NET Framework 4.6.1
- Visual C++ for Visual Studio 2013 x86
In addition, the program can be run without problems on MacOS or Linux, provided the virtual machine is installed. You can also use VDS, virtual computer, services that provide such a service now a lot, with their search no problems.
TheForks Pricing
On average, the subscription price is higher than PositiveBet (compare this service as a leader in the segment of live scanners and similar functionality) by 37%, for which the user receives not so little.
To overpay for the functionality of TheForks or limit the capabilities of the basic scanner arbs?
In our opinion, the answer is ambiguous, but quite concrete. If the player has to work with surebets on the flow and he does not experience difficulties with this, then there is no reasonable reason to change something. An overpayment of 37%, among other things, reduces the marginality of all work with arbs.
At the same time, for all new players who have decided to earn with arbs in live mode or those of them who periodically suffer from counteraction of bookmakers, it definitely makes sense to use the tools and capabilities of TheForks. Overpayment is not so great, but the profit that can give the service can not just repeatedly, but by an order of magnitude increase the income received from working with arbitration.
The verdict to the service
Definitely a good service and the most useful for players. We put it high marks and recommend to use.
Questions about the format of beta testing and the need to pay for a subscription "on the side" – does not interfere with the main task solved by the scanner. Live surebets will be located as quickly, and put down several times faster. Plus security, elevated to a new level. Not so little for an additional 37% to the subscription price.
We hope that the service will have worthy competitors. As much has been said, the opinion that "surebets are dead" is somewhat exaggerated. And the path chosen by TheForks, in our opinion, is the very direction that will allow professional players to flourish for a long time. And the one who used the "catch the wave", will receive a greater profit from all of this.
Feedbacks of scanner TheForks
A position of administration of the project is that there can't be any substance of the matter which is impossible to solve. So share your opinion, enter into the debate. We are grateful for all feedbacks!
A simple and convenient program that does not require almost any action from the user. Two bets are places by one click. If the odds change, the recalculation automatically goes on, there is no need to start counting all over again in a panic. Of the minuses, a rather meager number of arbitrations found can be noted. It happens that you come in with the expectation of a long and fruitful work, but here two surebets lie with a minimum percentage and nothing more. The low cost of the subscription offsets the slow growth of the bank, but I understand that with a different scanner I would earn faster.