Surebet scanner overview ValueChecker

General information
Traditionally, we start with a brief description. The hand of olbg developers and creators feels: there is a lot of text information on the resource, but it is not water. Really useful facts to consider when working with the service. In order to avoid criticism from the BM, in the help section, the administration gave a brief description of the portal. The help link at the bottom of the screen (next to the banner) leads to the page. A clear partnership note with the English giant of the world of forecasts is felt even without knowledge of their legal connection. The reason for this is the care of the user. Even without knowing English, the purpose of each key is intuitive. To refer to the links used primitive words and phrases.
The Help Section simultaneously serves as the "About us" page. Here is a description of what the service is made for. In short, the player is able to compare the odds and prices for bets in different bookmakers. Further, on the example of Market Value and Over-Round, the administration explains that knowing the difference between the coefficients in the BM is useful in terms of minimizing the margin share. Each bookmake roffice has its own. It is not enough to know the percentage in a particular organization. The calculation requires taking into account the coefficient for events, which makes manual analysis impossible.
In fact, with the help of the portal you can play in arbitration. There is no directed functionality by the type of instant calculator here, but you can use a dedicated tool of third-party resources. For example, the same coefficients scanner There is a lot of other useful information in the help section. The absence of some markets is due to their disadvantage for the players. Also bettors reminiscent of the free predictions that await them on OLBG. You can go directly to the discussion of advertising and cooperation, read about the methods of calculation, commissions and a number of specific terms. For each item written literally 2-3 sentences, do not take much time. I advise you to read.
The website Of ValueChecker
The resource was launched in 2006. Its founders were the developers of the then well-established site into account the year of creation, the portal has a good appearance. It is quite simple and clear. In some reviews it is noted that the color scheme is too bright. In this matter the taste and color of comrades there. Background the service has a standard grey. At the top next to the logo is the main menu of a number of items. The couple has drop-down subcategories. Forth goes the search. Additional menu for sports and type of tournaments is located on the left side of the screen. The last few buttons have no background icons, which is strange considering the high level of the project. But the main thing is not this: the site is loaded wildly long.
In general, for the appearance put 4 points. The reason lies in a somewhat outdated appearance. Problems with a relatively long download can be associated not only with the remoteness of the region. Sophisticated layout has a direct impact on the timing of page loading. There is nothing critical about this, but waiting is a bit annoying. Here we will not leave without attention the question of tastes.
What's available on ValueChecker
Functionality for such projects is everything. We will not delay the answer to the question of opportunities. The creators have not forgotten about the main goal of the project. The first tab of the main menu is devoted to the comparison of coefficients. Click on Odds Comparison. The system is a little unclear why the choice of a sport and tournament takes place in the additional menu. It was more logical to remove its main page, make it pop-up at the stage of working with the scanner. This function is either not available, or the developers did not want to bother. Let's not focus on the functionality. For example, choose football and the Europa League. The working area includes the line of the selection path, the name of the section, the type of the tournament. The current date is also displayed.
Below is a table of available events. The list is rather big, there is something to choose. There are several betting options available for each match. At the end of the page are outright suggestions. These are bets for the entire period of a particular tournament. For example, the three finalists, the final composition of the group and so on. In 3 columns the standards consistently indicate the odds of winning 1 team, the draw and the opponent. The system automatically substitutes the best coefficients for each outcome. Click on Odds, the number in brackets next to it shows the number of available bets.
We get to the page of the painting of a particular event. It is very convenient that the offers of several lines of bookmakers are collected in a single table. If the office offers to bet on a match, the corresponding column is filled with numbers. Empty? So BM decided not to include the event in line. ValueChecker works with the most popular bookmakers:
- Bet365.
- PaddyPower.
- Unibet.
- Ladbrokes.
- Betfair.
- William Hill.
- BetVictor.
- 888.
Growing coefficients in the table are highlighted in red, and decreasing – in blue. There are two icons at the end of the lines for a particular market. The first opens the statistics of changes in the coefficients in the table for a certain time (there is a setting). The second adds a specific line of proposals to the "Basket". It is not clear why this is done, it looks like an analogue of the chosen. But the table is not limited. There are a number of tabs where the results are sorted. They are located at the top of the form. There are All Odds with a full list of results. Best Odds & Value makes the Assembly of the best coefficients indicating the BM, coefficients and valuy rating. A link to match Statistics completes the series of tabs. Everything is simple, clear, in one place. If you find an error, click on the triangle with an exclamation mark and the inscription "Report and Error".
ValueChecker is the case when the language barrier practically does not interfere. The only place where you may need an interpreter is the Help section. In the rest of the special difficulties not fulsome. The developers took care of the color reflection of the changes, clear icons, logos of bookmakers and other details. Simple words in the black with graphic elements make working with the service simple and comfortable. You can not call it an ideal, but it does not exist in principle.
Free bet
They are in the Free Bets category.. The link leads to the website Don't worry, this is not advertising. Free bets in another way are called prebeta. The essence is to allocate the player a certain amount of virtual currency. It can be put and get a win with real money. We are not in a hurry to rejoice: bets with free bet have a number of restrictions. For example, you can only bet on certain events with set odds limits. However, this is a form of freebie, which must be used. The service actively promotes this area on OLBG.You do not need to join clubs, make contributions, take pictures of passports and so on. Go, register, get. Complaints from actual users has not been received.
A phenomenon familiar to the old-timers of betting. Modern bookmakers try to avoid the coupon scheme by providing the most complete information on the sites. But everything in order. By themselves, the coupons in the bets are individual cards for the event. However, there are a number of significant differences from the usual lines. First, coupons are sent individually. Before they came in the mail.Today betting coupons can be received by email. The information sent on the event should contain not only the coefficients, but also data on the number of bets on a particular outcome, the total amount of the Bank and the share of the contribution to the markets. Having this information, the players judged the profitability of the enterprise.
Why the past tense and closer to the old-timers? In our days, bookie hardly use coupons, blurring it by the data protection act. That's why we were surprised to see the Betting Coupons tab on the service site. The section has a number of settings: set the sport, tournament and day. For the next 7 days there will be 2-3 successful request. Moreover, no additional information about the amounts of the Bank is not given. Open the same tables with coefficients updated at the last hour, only with slightly inflated values. For example, pairs 1.75 and 5.00 to win the match. The essence of the section is not clear.
Find The Winners
Go to the Central section of the service – Find The Winners. Click on the section itself is useless: throws in the main menu. Hover, see the drop-down list, click on the first line – Value Bets. Usually arbitrage reveal the coefficient of different bookmakers on the same event, put a certain amount on the outcome, play on the difference. In value bets aim is to find the same events with high kafami. However, we do not play on the difference, but on the contribution to the victory of a weaker opponent. Roughly speaking, in a pair of coefficients 1.8 and 6.0 choose the second. This is risky, first you need to make sure that the bookmaker underestimates the chances of the opponent's favorite. Such situations often occur in different sports. Under this case, even developed the same strategy.
Specifically, this site offers a large selection of value bets on football. Everything is done in a convenient table format. The first column contains information about the sport, the tournament and the team, the chances of which are clearly understated. Next is the coefficient and its bookmaker, as well as the rate of service and net value. Close the line of the icon with statistics and a link for instant payment.
The data provided is of excellent quality. If you manually check the coefficients in the line of bookmakers and the provided tables, the match is excellent. Yes, sometimes there are inconsistencies in hundredths, but this is the error of the frequency of updates. According to the statement, on ValueChecker it happens every hour. The operation of the automatic system is controlled by specialists. Trust every word developers should not, but the system works – fact. Do not leave without attention to other sections of the category.
- Steamers. It publishes the likely winners. "Steam" in bets is the phenomenon of a rapid drop in the coefficient on a specific outcome. For example, for the match Latvia vs Romania in the UEFA League of Nations, the average coefficient to win the first team or draw was 2.53. On indicators in an hour it fell to a nominal value of 2.42. Statistics are extremely important in a number of situations.
- Drifters. The subcategory contains data on artificially low coefficient. Bookmakers often try to attract interest in the event in this way. People see a clear favorite, put, increase bets, etc. to Fall for such tricks easily, if you do not compare the values in different bookies. On ValueChecker, you can simply compare the coefficients in the tables, but the developers have created a separate section. The results are not impressive. In a football match, the system considered the "drift" value of 1.14, which was 0.3-0.4 less than the others. But why no attention was scanned figure 1.13 from the other BM – a mystery.
- Sleepers. Bets with inflated odds. This is when you leaf through the table of comparison of the lines BC and found in the range 1.7-1.9, the value 2.5 and above. This contribution is beneficial against the background of the main. The name came from the joke that such bookmakers sleep at work, not in time to update the results. Be careful with such coefficients. If the bookmaker on it will lose a lot, it is likely to recognize the error of the system and the bettor just return the fee. Remember that betting is banal can not to play.
- Best Bookies. The best bookmakers at the end of the week, a few months or a year. It is strange that Bet365 took only the fourth line.
There were a couple of tabs and those that are not much to tell. Bookmakers – link to bookmakers reviews from OLBG. Information on each known bookie abound. First, find out who to work with. Secondly, each bookmaker has its pros, cons and features. It is also useful to know about them. Free Tips – section from the same parent company of the service. We get to the page of the British OLBG, which contains forecasts for different sports. There are a lot of forecasts, they are qualitative, all Europe uses. In the settings (Settings) is available to change the format of rates: fractional, decimal and american.
It is noteworthy that the service does not offer a personal account. This indicates the absence of paid subscriptions, but also deprives the possibility of communication, individualization, affiliate program and other things. Without these bonuses it is possible to do. At the bottom of the site there is a link for information and dispute resolution - of the site answer questions, help to cope with the arbitrariness of the bookmakers.
Functionality to ValueChecker no complaints. The site gives the stated and even more. According to the processing algorithms, there are a couple of comments, as in a number of categories (for example, Drifters) incorrect data are noted. The search works perfectly. Coverage of sports, tournaments and specific events is large, as is the list of connected bookmakers in the scanner. The coefficients are updated every hour without interruption, which is good news. The main thing is that you can use the service for free. Of the minuses I will note the absence of the personal Cabinet the partner program. Appearance also sometimes subsides. In General, the scanner is worthy of attention and is suitable for professional betting.
Feedbacks of scanner ValueChecker
A position of administration of the project is that there can't be any substance of the matter which is impossible to solve. So share your opinion, enter into the debate. We are grateful for all feedbacks!